Members’ Questionnaire

If you haven’t already completed the questionnaire, please do so as we need your input.

This is to help the committee to better understand what changes to the club you would like to see and your sailing aspirations over the next 12 months. It also asks whether you are able to help with the running of the club and your views on the annual membership subscription.

The questionnaire is related to the club development plan that I mentioned in a previous log and I would very much appreciate if you could find the time to complete and return it as soon as possible.
If you have Microsoft Office on your pc you can download the word .doc version, save it and edit it and email it as an attachment – email address in download.

Otherwise you can download the questionnaire in pdf format and print it off amd complete then put in the box in the clubhouse or post it.

Microsoft word .doc format (editable)

pdf format (read only)