
Topper / Comet Open 2012 Results

Shearwater Topper / Comet Open was held on 14th April 2012. In mostly light winds but with an unseasonal bite 14 Toppers and 9 Comets took to the water.

 After 3 close fought races the final results were:

Toppers                                                Comets

1st – Maddie Sinclair                               1st – Ian Stone (Comet 152)

2nd – Sophie Ellis                                    2nd – Benjamin Palmer (Comet 597)

3rd – Fraser Jones                                   3rd – Chris Robinson Comet (867)

Additional Photos will be in the Gallery soon.


Clubhouse gas installation.

The clubhouse gas installation has been inspected by a qualified engineer and unfortunately has failed its certification. It is therefore out of use until a solution can be found.  Please bear with us in the interim.